The so-called "Halloween Storms of 2003" caused some of the most powerful geomagnetic storms recorded to date, with Palmerio saying the increased radiation caused the destruction of scientific instruments in space ranging from Earth's orbit to the surface of Mars. "I'm only scratching the surface," Skov said, adding that it also affects GPS systems and satellites phones "all the time." Storms in 1989 took down the electrical grid in Quebec, Canada, halted trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange, caused a sensor on the Space Shuttle Discovery to malfunction inflight, and is credited as the cause of the Solar Maximum Mission satellite falling out of orbit. "In 1967, NORAD lost connection to half its catalog of satellites because of a solar storm," Skov said – an event that nearly led to a nuclear war. Skov and Palmerio emphasized that destruction due to geomagnetic storms happens more often than commonly thought, giving examples from historical solar events. Increased radiation of geomagnetic storms can also damage spacecraft, Palmerio said, burning instruments or detectors onboard. The side effect of the jump in atmospheric density is an increased drag on satellites in low Earth orbit, which can reduce a spacecraft's orbit – or, in the case of the Starlink satellites, cause them to reenter and burn up. "There are no risks for humans on ground with these storms," Palmerio said. Palmerio emphasized that a G5 storm is a threat to things such as electrical grids or spacecraft operations, but not people. We find about four of them per cycle," Palmerio said. "The G5 is the extreme storm and those ones are way, way more rare. The storm which destroyed the Starlink satellites last week was expected to be a G1, which Erika Palmerio – a research scientist at Predictive Science – explained is both minor and "quite common," happening as much as 1,700 times in the 11-year solar cycle. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration measures geomagnetic storms on an increasing severity scale of G1 to G5. To get daily devotions sent texted to you Monday-Friday, text DEVOTIONS to 99383."Most people really enjoy it, and they don't even realize it – because what they're enjoying is an aurora," Skov said. In an instant, the men went from worrying about their circumstances to worshipping their Christ. But, the guys in the boat apparently had no faith. This means that he was capable of even greater sustained faith.

The Lord Jesus spoke of Peter’s “little faith”. A little faith is better than no faith.Jesus not only saved Peter from hell, but on this occasion Jesus saved Peter from drowning. Is there any fear that is gripping and controlling your decision making? When Peter had faith, he walked on water. Is there anything you need to be doing differently in faith? Peter did not experience the supernatural power of God that allowed him to walk on water until he trusted as evidenced by his actions. What next step has Jesus asked you to take? Peter was doing just fine when he was focused on the next step, and got into trouble when he lost sight of his next step. Peter took one step to get out of the boat and onto the water. Is there any area in your life that you are not obeying the Lord?

This is what obedience looks like–doing what Jesus says. Even though it made no sense, Peter did what Jesus said. Jesus told Peter to “come” to Him on the water. What does looking to Jesus look like for you?

The principle is clear: especially when life is a tumultuous storm, look for Jesus and keep looking to Jesus. The only problem was that he stopped looking at Jesus. Although a storm surrounded Him, Peter looked to Jesus.